
app builder

What is FlutterFlow?

FlutterFlow is a no-code/low-code platform designed for building applications using the Flutter framework without extensive coding. It offers a drag-and-drop interface for designing and developing mobile apps, making the app creation process more accessible to designers, developers, and non-technical users.

FlutterFlow and Flutter are closely related but fundamentally serve different purposes and cater to different audiences.

Flutter is an open-source UI toolkit created by Google, designed to build natively compiled mobile, web, and desktop applications from a single codebase. It’s primarily aimed at developers who are comfortable writing code, specifically in the Dart programming language, and who need full control over the app's design, logic, and performance.

Flutter is used to develop complex, high-performance applications requiring deep customization and optimization. Development in Flutter is done entirely through code, requiring familiarity with Dart, Flutter’s core libraries, and programming concepts. Developers manually write code for UI elements, interactions, and business logic, providing granular control over every aspect of the app.

With FlutterFlow, you can build production-ready apps through a no-code/low-code interface that integrates seamlessly with Google’s Flutter framework. FlutterFlow uses a visual, drag-and-drop interface that abstracts much of the coding process. Users can build apps by arranging UI components, setting up interactions, and defining data flows visually. 

This approach significantly reduces the learning curve and accelerates the development process. It empowers non-developers and small teams to quickly create visually stunning apps, reducing time to market and development costs while allowing access to the underlying Flutter code for customization.


Aspect FlutterFlow Other App Builders
Foundation on Framework Built on Google’s Flutter framework, allowing natively compiled applications with high performance and a rich UI. Often use web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) or custom engines, which may result in performance limitations.
Code Export and Integration Allows exporting clean Flutter code, enabling further development outside the platform and easy integration with Flutter projects. Limited or no code export capabilities; exported code may not be clean or usable in standard development workflows.
Performance and Native Feel Delivers natively compiled apps that perform well and provide a native user experience. May rely on hybrid or web-based approaches, affecting app performance and user experience.
Flexibility and Customization Offers a balance between visual development and customization, with options to add custom Dart code. Provides pre-built components and integrations; limited flexibility for custom code and performance optimization.
Learning Curve and Usability Features an intuitive drag-and-drop interface suitable for non-developers and developers alike. Platforms like Bubble can have a steep learning curve; others like Adalo and Thunkable are user-friendly but less deep.
Community and Ecosystem Leverages Flutter’s extensive ecosystem, including packages, plugins, and a large developer community. Varies widely; some have strong communities but focus on different technologies (e.g., Bubble for web apps).
Scalability and Enterprise Readiness Supports scaling from MVPs to full production apps, with easy transition to a full-code environment if needed. Can handle many use cases but may struggle with scaling and customization for large-scale, high-performance applications.

What you can/can't build with FlutterFlow

With FlutterFlow, you can create a wide range of applications, including mobile and web apps that are visually appealing, responsive, and natively compiled. It’s well-suited for building business apps like e-commerce platforms, booking systems, social media apps, educational tools, and productivity apps such as task managers or CRM systems.

FlutterFlow also excels in creating MVPs and prototypes quickly, making it ideal for startups and entrepreneurs looking to validate their ideas. Additionally, it can handle apps with basic data integrations, user authentication, and standard CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionalities, making it versatile for many use cases across industries like health and wellness, fintech, travel, and more.

Check out some real-world examples.

Industry Example App Monetization Type Description
Health & Wellness Happify Subscription Model An app offering personalized wellness programs, generating revenue through paid subscriptions for premium content.
E-commerce Amira Marketplace Transaction Fees and Commission A platform for buying and selling products, earning revenue by taking a commission on each sale.
Education Learny Freemium Model Provides educational content with basic courses for free and advanced content for a fee.
Fintech Pay It Now Service Fees Simplifies payment processing, charging a small fee for each transaction processed.
Travel & Hospitality Wander Booking Commissions and Affiliate Partnerships Assists users in booking travel accommodations, earning through commissions and affiliate deals.
Real Estate Griddie Subscription and Lead Generation Resource management tool for real estate, monetizing through subscriptions and selling leads.
Entertainment & Social Media Reelz Ad Revenue and In-App Purchases Social media app for short videos, monetizing through ads and in-app purchases.
Professional Services Commotion SaaS Subscription Project management tool with a SaaS subscription model for advanced features.
Fitness & Lifestyle FitTrack One-Time Purchases and Subscription Offers workout plans and coaching, monetizing through one-time purchases and subscriptions.
Food & Beverage BiteBuddy Delivery Fees and Partner Commissions Food delivery app earning through delivery fees and commissions from partner restaurants.

FlutterFlow is not ideal for building high-performance games, apps requiring deep system-level access, advanced offline capabilities, AR/VR experiences, extensive custom UI/UX, real-time video processing, complex AI/ML, or enterprise-grade financial apps with stringent compliance needs.

These types of applications often require specialized development environments, advanced performance optimizations, and deep customization that go beyond the no-code/low-code scope of FlutterFlow.

FlutterFlow's advantages

At least 7 advantages make FlutterFlow a powerful choice for rapidly creating a wide range of applications, from simple prototypes to production-ready apps, with a balance of ease of use and customization potential.

1. Intuitive Drag-and-Drop Interface. FlutterFlow's visual builder allows users to design and develop apps without needing extensive coding skills. This intuitive interface simplifies the app creation process, making it accessible to designers, entrepreneurs, and teams with limited technical expertise, thus accelerating the overall development timeline.

2. Seamless Integration with Firebase. One of FlutterFlow’s standout features is its deep integration with Firebase, which facilitates real-time data handling, user authentication, cloud storage, and other backend services. This integration reduces the need for complex server setups and allows for rapid deployment of functional apps with dynamic data capabilities.

3. Extensive Library of Pre-Built Components and Templates (Marketplace). FlutterFlow provides a wide array of pre-built UI components, widgets, and templates that help users kickstart their projects quickly. This saves time on design and development, allowing users to focus more on customizing their apps and adding unique features rather than building everything from scratch.

4. Responsive Design Capabilities. FlutterFlow enables developers to create apps that automatically adapt to different screen sizes and devices, ensuring a consistent and polished user experience on both mobile and web platforms. This built-in responsiveness is particularly valuable for developers looking to reach a broad audience with minimal additional effort.

5. Code Export and Customization. FlutterFlow allows users to export clean, maintainable Flutter code, which can be further customized in traditional development environments. This feature bridges the gap between no-code development and full-code flexibility, giving developers the option to enhance, optimize, and scale their applications beyond the platform’s visual interface.

6. Streamlined App Deployment. FlutterFlow simplifies the app deployment process with built-in options to publish directly to the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. This streamlined workflow reduces the technical overhead typically associated with app deployment, making it easier for users to get their apps to market quickly.

7. Active Community and Continuous Updates. FlutterFlow benefits from an active community of users and frequent updates that introduce new features, improvements, and integrations. This active development ensures that the platform evolves with industry trends and user needs, offering a constantly improving toolkit for app builders.

Areas for improvement

While FlutterFlow offers many advantages, it also has some disadvantages that users should consider. These disadvantages highlight areas where FlutterFlow may not be the best fit.

  1. Limited Customization and Flexibility. While FlutterFlow provides a range of pre-built components, its customization options are limited compared to traditional coding. For apps that require highly specific functionalities, deep system-level access, or custom animations, users may find the platform restrictive and may need to export the code for further development in Flutter.
  2. Dependence on Flutter’s Ecosystem. Since FlutterFlow is built on Flutter, any limitations or bugs in the Flutter framework can directly affect apps developed on the platform. Users are also reliant on Flutter’s roadmap and community for updates and fixes, which might not align perfectly with their needs.
  3. Performance Limitations for Complex Applications. While FlutterFlow is capable of handling standard business apps, it may struggle with performance for highly complex or resource-intensive applications, such as those requiring advanced graphics, real-time processing, or extensive offline functionality. Native or custom-coded solutions might be necessary for such cases.
  4. Learning Curve for Advanced Features. Although FlutterFlow is designed to be user-friendly, mastering its more advanced features, like custom code integration and API connections, can still require a learning curve. Non-technical users may need additional support or time to fully utilize these capabilities.
  5. Limited Offline Capabilities. Apps built with FlutterFlow are primarily cloud-based, and while some offline functionalities are possible, they are not as robust as those offered by native development or other frameworks that specialize in offline-first apps. This can be a drawback for applications that need reliable offline access and complex synchronization.
  6. Scalability Concerns. As apps grow in complexity or user base, scaling them within FlutterFlow can become challenging. The platform is best suited for small to medium-sized projects, and very large or complex enterprise applications may require transitioning to a more traditional development approach to ensure scalability and performance.
  7. Subscription Costs. FlutterFlow operates on a subscription model, which may become costly for users who need access to premium features or plan to maintain multiple projects over time. This can be a concern for startups or individuals with limited budgets, especially when compared to open-source alternatives.


FlutterFlow's pricing ranges from a Free plan with basic features to the Pro plan at $70 per month, offering advanced components, code export, and unlimited projects. 

Compared to other app builders like Adalo, Bubble, and Thunkable, FlutterFlow provides a competitive balance of cost and flexibility, especially for native app development. Adalo’s plans start at $36 per month with a focus on mobile apps, Bubble’s pricing is higher (starting at $32 up to $529 per month) for complex web apps, and Thunkable offers more affordable options starting at $15 per month but with more basic capabilities. 

Getting started with FlutterFlow

Wanna start with FlutterFlow right now? Follow this video guide.

Roman Furman
Founder & CTO at Sommo

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Who can use FlutterFlow?
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Where can I get support or learn more about FlutterFlow?
What services does Sommo Studio offer with FlutterFlow?
Can Sommo Studio help scale my FlutterFlow app as my business grows?
How can I get started with Sommo Studio for my FlutterFlow app development?

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